Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries containing rules regarding the implementation of quality requirements for fish products from the moment of catch (General requirements Order) (SB No. 10 of 2002).
Type of law
This Order contains rules for the implementation of health and quality requirements and conditions for fish that apply from the moment of catch. They take into consideration the directives of the European Community concerning the requirements for countries and their companies exporting fishery to or would like to export to the European Community. The requirements and conditions concern, among other things: hygienic conditions on board of fishing vessels; requirements for storage and handling of fish; cleanliness of equipment; specific conditions for the slaughtering of fish originating in aquaculture facilities; requirements for the freezing, thawing of fish and salting or smoking of fish; boiling of crustacean; control of contaminants; treatment of fish affected by parasites; content of foreign matters and general quality of fish. The Order also concerns qualifications of quality managers and identification, certification, packing and labelling requirements.
Attached files
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Staatsblad van de Republiek Suriname No. 10 of 2002.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Algemene Kwaliteitsbeschikking.