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Animal Epidemics Act B.E. 2499 (1956).

Type of law

This Act introduces measures that may or shall be taken by public bodies and holders of animals for the control of epidemic diseases affecting animals i.e. ruminating animals, poultry, dogs, embryo, semen for breeding purposes and any other animal declared by the Minister to be an animal to which this Act shall apply.
The Act prescribes rules for the prevention of epidemics by designating epidemic areas and epidemic free zones. This Act further controls the importation and exportation of animals and carcasses for the prevention of the spreading of epidemic diseases. The trade of animals shall be authorized only by obtaining a licence from the Director-General. The Act also contains penal provisions and provisions of miscellaneous nature.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Act enters into force ninety days after its publication in the Government Gazette.
The Epidemics of Livestock and Beasts of Burden Act B.E. 2474, the Epidemics of Livestock and Beasts of Burden Amendment Act B.E. 2478, and the Epidemics of Livestock and Beasts of Burden Act (No.3) B.E. 2497 shall be repealed.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Repealed by