Governmental Decree No. 349 validating the Regulation on stimulation of water users performing socially useful activities on rational use and protection of water.
Type of law
The purpose of stimulation of water users shall be to involve ministries, departments, organizations, dekhkan farms, farmers, other water users and individuals to use new technologies, scientific developments, water saving and protection of water resources from pollution. The procedure for and amount of incentives shall be established autonomously by the superior water user authorities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic Tajikistan. Cash rewards are made from savings of water users. Socially useful measures for the rational use and protection of water are: (a) development and implementation of water-saving technologies; (b) the introduction of new technologies for the purification of potable water; (c) the introduction of advanced technologies for the treatment and disposal of wastewater; (d) complete cessation of discharge of polluting wastewater into waterbodies and the environment; (e) construction of water treatment facilities for enterprises and their transportation systems; (f) introduction of circulating and drainless water supply systems; (g) provision of sanitary protection and improvement of underground water abstraction; (h) implementation of measures for the reuse of waste and drainage waters, improvement of their quality, not causing a negative impact on the environment and objects; (i) creation and organization of proper work of departmental laboratories for water quality control; (j) development and implementation of water metering devices; (k) application of optimal irrigation regimes; (l) increase the efficiency of canals, irrigated fields, water supply systems and pumping stations; (m) ensuring proper technical condition and improvement of reservoirs, lakes and other waterbodies; (n) prevention and elimination of salinization and waterlogging of irrigated lands; (o) construction of water purification and water treatment facilities; (p) the organization of technological processes that exclude the formation of polluted wastewater; and (q) organization of forest reclamation, agrotechnical and technical works, securing the shores of waterbodies and enhancing their water level.
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Legislation Amendment
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