Ministerial Order No. 43/MOP/2023 on the structure of the General Directorate of Roads, Bridges, Flood Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Public Works.
Type of law
This Ministerial Order establishes the structure of the General Directorate of Roads, Bridges, Flood Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Public Works (DGEPPCC). The General Directorate is the central service of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and is responsible for ensuring the general guidance in the areas of construction civil, road infrastructure and flood prevention and control. The DGEPPCC is responsible to: a) Ensure the implementation and integrated execution of the related national policies; b) Improve the legal and regulatory framework for the civil construction sector; c) Promote and ensure the construction, maintenance and management of road infrastructure, including bridges, and other public works; d) Propose, study and carry out works to protect, conserve and repair bridges, roads, river or sea coasts, particularly to control floods and prevent natural disasters; e) Develop the preparation and implementation of the National Road Plan; f) Propose the adoption of technical standards and construction regulations, particularly technical safety standards or others that aim to guarantee the quality and safety of public works or civil construction, etc.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Ministerial Order enters into force on the day after its publication.
Serial Imprint
Jornal da Rep blica, S rie I, No. 37, 4 October 2023.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Diploma Ministerial N. 43/MOP/2023 - Estrutura org nico-funcional da Dire o-Geral de Estradas, Pontes, Preven o e Controlo de Cheias do Minist rio das Obras P blicas.