Ministerial Order No. 44/MOP/2023 on the structure of the General Directorate of Housing and Urbanism of the Ministry of Public Works.
Type of law
This Ministerial Order establishes the structure of the General Directorate of Housing and Urbanism of the Ministry of Public Works. The General Directorate is responsible to perform the following activities: a) Coordinate and evaluate the implementation of the national housing and urban planning policy, in coordination with other services and public entities that have legal competence in these areas; b) Promote the preparation of the national housing plan and monitor the execution of social interest housing programs that are approved by higher authorities; c) Prepare the studies and projects necessary to promote the rehabilitation of buildings, equipment or public spaces; d) Promote the construction, on a contract basis, of projects intended for social housing, respective infrastructure and equipment or public spaces; e) Assess subdivision projects, urbanization works or construction of buildings subject to licensing, which are intended for social housing; f) Promote the development of housing and urban rehabilitation plans, as well as legal instruments that enable the financing and promotion of construction at controlled costs; g) Collaborate with legally competent entities in the investigation of expropriation processes for public utility and negotiated acquisition of land to be used for the development of social interest housing projects; h) Carry out other tasks assigned to you by law, regulation or superior determination.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Ministerial Order enters into force on the day after its publication.
Serial Imprint
Jornal da Rep blica, S rie I, No. 37, 4 October 2023.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Diploma Ministerial N. 44/MOP/2023 - Estrutura org nico-funcional da Dire o-Geral de Habita o e Urbanismo do Minist rio das Obras P blicas.