Water Supply and Sanitation (Clustering of Water Authorities) Regulations, 2019 (G.N. No. 826 of 2019).
Type of law
These Regulations, made under the Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 2019, concern the clustering of water authorities in accordance with sections 9 and 73 of that Act. The Minister responsible for water may, in consultation with the Minister responsible for local government authorities and by Notice published in the Gazette, cluster water authorities in order to achieve commercial viability of water supply and sanitation services. Clustering may take place at district towns and townships level (model one clustering) or regional level (model two clustering). The Minister may also dissolve a water authority and expand the service area of a water authority to include a service area of a dissolved water authority. The Regulations sets out the procedure of clustering.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Tanzania Official Gazette Supplement.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment