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Presidential Resolution No. PP-3379 On measures to ensure the rational use of energy resources .

Type of law

The President, with a view of further improvement of the system of electricity and gas supply, ensure the rational use of energy resources through the widespread introduction of market mechanisms, as well as improvement of the quality of services provided in the aforesaid sphere, decrees to validate the following procedure: (a) consumers, manufacturing products and providing some services (industries and business entities) according to the list contained the Annex, shall pay for electric energy (with capacity up to 750 kVA) and natural gas in accordance with increasing coefficients and tariffs established by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan; (b) consumers (with the exception of budget organizations, pumping stations of farms and associations of water users, and pumping stations funded from the State budget) with capacity of 750 kVA and above make settlements for electricity on a tariff differentiated by time zone zones, which is set at the tariff rate for legal entities paying for the second group of tariffs; (c) in the design, reconstruction, construction and commissioning of buildings and structures of state bodies and institutions, as well as condominiums, must be performed check for compliance with town-planning standards and rules regarding the application of energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies; (d) in the design, reconstruction and construction of all buildings and structures, except for individual housing construction, shall be performed mandatory installation of certified solar water heating systems for hot water supply, as well as energy-saving lamps; and (e) beginning from 1 January 2022 state bodies and organizations: in buildings and structures on their balance sheet are required to use exclusively certified solar water heating systems for hot water supply, as well as energy saving lamps for indoor lighting of domestic manufacturing; disconnect from the centralized supply of hot water.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Presidential Resolution enters into force on the date of its official publication.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title