Republican Decree No.101 of 2005 on the establishment of the Public Environmental Protection Authority.
Type of law
This Resolution establishes the General Authority which is the official national body competent for environmental protection and preservation of renewable natural resources. Main purpose of the Authority is: environment protection from pollution in all its forms; maintenance of the natural environment, preserving its integrity and balance and protecting wildlife varieties from trans-boundary harmful effects; preservation and protection of renewable natural resources.
The Resolution is composed of 4 Chapters divided into 26 articles: Definitions (1); Goals, tasks and functions (2); The financial system of the Authority (3); and General Provisions (4).
In order to achieve its objectives, the Authority has to perform the following tasks and functions: to implement policies, strategies and plans for environmental protection; prepare national emergency plans; conduct environmental surveys and identify environmentally sensitive areas, resources and species that require legal action to be protected; prepare laws and regulations on environmental protection projects; propose national standards to ensure the protection of the environment; make regular periodic field follow-up; lay bases and procedures for assessing the environmental impact of public and private projects; follow up the implementation of commitments regarding the protection of the environment within the international conventions, the regional agreements and bilateral memoranda of understanding ratified by Yemen. Task of the Authority is also to: gather information; prepare reports; propose the creation of natural reserves; prepare management plans for coastal areas; work on programmes to raise environmental awareness and education; participate in the preparation of environmental educational programmes for the schools at all levels; prepare and implement programmes to promote activities to reduce air pollution and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Articles 7-12 provide for composition, rights and duties of the Board of Directors, while articles 13 and 14 respectively deal with the responsibilities of the president and the vice president of the Authority.
The Resolution is composed of 4 Chapters divided into 26 articles: Definitions (1); Goals, tasks and functions (2); The financial system of the Authority (3); and General Provisions (4).
In order to achieve its objectives, the Authority has to perform the following tasks and functions: to implement policies, strategies and plans for environmental protection; prepare national emergency plans; conduct environmental surveys and identify environmentally sensitive areas, resources and species that require legal action to be protected; prepare laws and regulations on environmental protection projects; propose national standards to ensure the protection of the environment; make regular periodic field follow-up; lay bases and procedures for assessing the environmental impact of public and private projects; follow up the implementation of commitments regarding the protection of the environment within the international conventions, the regional agreements and bilateral memoranda of understanding ratified by Yemen. Task of the Authority is also to: gather information; prepare reports; propose the creation of natural reserves; prepare management plans for coastal areas; work on programmes to raise environmental awareness and education; participate in the preparation of environmental educational programmes for the schools at all levels; prepare and implement programmes to promote activities to reduce air pollution and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Articles 7-12 provide for composition, rights and duties of the Board of Directors, while articles 13 and 14 respectively deal with the responsibilities of the president and the vice president of the Authority.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Resolution enters into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
(101) 2005