A first-of-its-kind legislative guide that provides four policy and legal approaches that countries can use to reduce their plastic waste permanently, regardless of the pandemic.

This guide, developed by UNEP and the World Resources Institute, is a tool to help legislators and policymakers explore options for reducing the harmful impacts of single-use plastic products; by regulating their production and consumption, promoting alternatives, as well as improving the management, recycling and final disposal of single-use plastic waste. It outlines the most used regulatory approaches and explains the main elements that legislators will need to consider when drafting legislation. Each type of regulatory approach is illustrated by examples of actions taken by governments around the world, including sample legal provisions.

Complex Page: Information

TACKLING PLASTIC POLLUTION: Legislative Guide for the Regulation of Single-Use Plastic Products
TACKLING PLASTIC POLLUTION: Legislative Guide for the Regulation of Single-Use Plastic Products
Document types
Guidance Material/Model Law
Goal 11
Goal 12
Goal 14
Goal 15
Goal 6
Plastic pollution, National law