National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA)
Professional title
Relevant stakeholder group
National Focal Points (NFPs)
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Request description
In the last decades, there have been rise in the need and high demand for plastic use which attracts high production of plastic products, bringing about drastic increase in plastic pollution.
To properly control the menace plastic pollution poses to human health and the environment, it is imperative that the relevant regulatory instrument that could be enforced, as well as in line with Basel Convention Amendment already in force since January, 2021 be evolved by the Agency.
The National Policy on Plastic Waste, 2020 has provided that the Agency should develop and enforce plastic waste control regulations. The gaps identified in the existing National Policy on Plastic Waste, 2020 as well as the non-inclusion of the Basel Convention Amendment, 2019 in National Environmental (Domestic and Industrial Plastic, Rubber and Foam Sector) Regulations, 2011 the Agency held Stakeholders’ Engagement Workshop on 27th January, 2022. The objective of the meeting was to advocate and sensitize all the relevant stakeholders on domestication and transposition of Basel Convention Amendment on Plastic waste into the relevant national environmental laws, galvanize national action to address the challenges of plastic waste and their transboundary movement; as well as discuss on development of Plastic Waste Control Regulations and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for the Plastic Waste Stream.
The NESREA Act empowers the Agency to enforce all environmental laws, guidelines, policies, standards and regulations in Nigeria, prohibit the use technology that undermines environmental quality, as well as enforcing compliance with provisions of international agreements, protocols, conventions and treaties on the environment to which Nigeria is a signatory.
Therefore, it is imperative that the Agency develop a specific plastic waste regulation and EPR Operational Guidelines on plastic waste control as a tool to enforce compliance on the management of plastics and to address its pollution in Nigeria. The regulation will be as encapsulated in the National Policy for Plastic Waste Management, among other framework for solid waste management in Nigeria.
To properly control the menace plastic pollution poses to human health and the environment, it is imperative that the relevant regulatory instrument that could be enforced, as well as in line with Basel Convention Amendment already in force since January, 2021 be evolved by the Agency.
The National Policy on Plastic Waste, 2020 has provided that the Agency should develop and enforce plastic waste control regulations. The gaps identified in the existing National Policy on Plastic Waste, 2020 as well as the non-inclusion of the Basel Convention Amendment, 2019 in National Environmental (Domestic and Industrial Plastic, Rubber and Foam Sector) Regulations, 2011 the Agency held Stakeholders’ Engagement Workshop on 27th January, 2022. The objective of the meeting was to advocate and sensitize all the relevant stakeholders on domestication and transposition of Basel Convention Amendment on Plastic waste into the relevant national environmental laws, galvanize national action to address the challenges of plastic waste and their transboundary movement; as well as discuss on development of Plastic Waste Control Regulations and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for the Plastic Waste Stream.
The NESREA Act empowers the Agency to enforce all environmental laws, guidelines, policies, standards and regulations in Nigeria, prohibit the use technology that undermines environmental quality, as well as enforcing compliance with provisions of international agreements, protocols, conventions and treaties on the environment to which Nigeria is a signatory.
Therefore, it is imperative that the Agency develop a specific plastic waste regulation and EPR Operational Guidelines on plastic waste control as a tool to enforce compliance on the management of plastics and to address its pollution in Nigeria. The regulation will be as encapsulated in the National Policy for Plastic Waste Management, among other framework for solid waste management in Nigeria.
Topics relating to the request
Chemicals and Waste
Environmental Governance and Rights
Marine and Freshwater
Trade and Investment
Does your request align with the country’s United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework?
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Related Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 3
Goal 6
Goal 8
Goal 12
Goal 14
Related Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Basel Convention
Stockholm Convention
Bamako Convention
Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution