Federal Act on the Monitoring of Trade in Wood (Timber Trade Surveillance Act).
Type of law
Date of original text
The purpose of this Federal Act is to implement the following European law concerning timber and wood products import and the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, aiming at reducing illegal logging within the European Union: Regulation (EC) no. 2173/2005; Regulation (EC) no. 1024/2008; Regulation (EU) no. 995/2010; Regulation (EU) no. 363/2012; Regulation (EU) no. 607/2012; Directive 2018/2001/EU.
The Act consists of 3 sections and 20 articles. First section lists the authorities responsible for the implementation of the Act and the tasks of Austrian customs office.
Second section concerns powers and tasks of the authorities: monitoring, controlling, managing and notifying provisional seizure, reporting to European Institutions. Federal authorities are empowered to take proper measures related to prohibition of disposal, testing, sampling, examination and eventual destruction of loads of wood products, shipment to a third country.
The third section concerns final provisions, execution clause, criminal provisions and administrative sanctions in the event of violation of the mentioned European law standards and provisions, including risk assessment and risk reduction procedure.
The Act consists of 3 sections and 20 articles. First section lists the authorities responsible for the implementation of the Act and the tasks of Austrian customs office.
Second section concerns powers and tasks of the authorities: monitoring, controlling, managing and notifying provisional seizure, reporting to European Institutions. Federal authorities are empowered to take proper measures related to prohibition of disposal, testing, sampling, examination and eventual destruction of loads of wood products, shipment to a third country.
The third section concerns final provisions, execution clause, criminal provisions and administrative sanctions in the event of violation of the mentioned European law standards and provisions, including risk assessment and risk reduction procedure.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
This Federal Act enters into force on 07 August 2013.
Consolidated version of the Federal Act N. 178/2013, as last amended by the Federal Act n. 167/2021.
Serial Imprint
Bundesgesetzblatt f r die Republik sterreich.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bundesgesetz ber die berwachung des Handels mit Holz (Holzhandels berwachungsgesetz HolzH G).