Federal Act on Trade in Plant Protection Products (Plant Protection Products Act 2011).
Type of law
Date of original text
This Federal Act aims at implementing: the EU Commission Regulation n. 1107/2009 concerning the marketing of plant protection products; the EU Directive n. 2009/128 on a community framework for the sustainable use of pesticides; the EU Regulation of the Parliament and the Council n. 2017/625 on official controls and other official activities to ensure the application of food and feed law and the provisions on animal health and animal welfare, plant health and plant protection products.
The Act consists of 19 articles and 4 sections. First section concerns general provisions, the indication of the competent authority, specific requirements for placing products on the market, including the prohibition of marketing plant protection products containing the active ingredient glyphosate; second section concerns official control of plant protection products, including provisional seizure and ban on placing them on the market; third section provides for cooperation and exchange of information; fourth section concerns penalties and criminal sanctions and final provisions.
The Act consists of 19 articles and 4 sections. First section concerns general provisions, the indication of the competent authority, specific requirements for placing products on the market, including the prohibition of marketing plant protection products containing the active ingredient glyphosate; second section concerns official control of plant protection products, including provisional seizure and ban on placing them on the market; third section provides for cooperation and exchange of information; fourth section concerns penalties and criminal sanctions and final provisions.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version of the Federal Act n. 10/2011, as last amended by the Federal Act n. 104/2021.
Serial Imprint
Bundesgesetzblatt f r die Republik sterreich, Part I, n. 10, 15 February 2011, 34 pp.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bundesgesetz ber den Verkehr mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln (Pflanzenschutzmittelgesetz 2011).
Implemented by