Yarmirr v Northern Territory 11 Oct 2001 | Australia | High Court of Australia National - higher court Yarmirr.pdf
Wik Peoples v The State of Queensland 23 Dec 1996 | Australia | High Court of Australia National - higher court Wik%20Peoples%20v%20.pdf
Wadjularbinna Nulyarimma & Ors v Phillip Thompson; Buzzacott & Ors v Minister for the Environment 02 Sep 1999 | Australia | Federal Court of Australia National - higher court Wadjularbinna%20Nuly.pdf
The Commonwealth of Australia v State of Tasmania 01 Jul 1983 | Australia | High Court of Australia National - higher court
Castlemaine Tooheys Ltd v South Australia 07 Feb 1990 | Australia | High Court of Australia National - higher court Link to full text Castlemaine%20Toohey.pdf
Harrison v Baring 27 Jun 2012 | Australia | Land and Environment Court of New South Wales Others COU-159832.pdf
Harrison v Baring 15 May 2012 | Australia | Land and Environment Court of New South Wales Others COU-159831.pdf
Rainbow Shores P/L v Gympie Regional Council & Ors 12 Jun 2013 | Australia | Planning and Environment Court National - lower court Link to full text Rainbow%20Shores%20v.pdf
Friends of Mallacoota Inc v Minister of Planning & Minister for Environment and Climate Change [2010] VSC 222 27 May 2010 | Australia | Victorian Supreme Court National - higher court Link to full text Friends%20of%20Malla.pdf
Forestry Tasmania v Brown [2007] FCAFC 186 30 Nov 2007 | Australia | Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia National - higher court Link to full text forestry%20tasmania%.pdf