Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act, 2012 (No. XXX).
Type of law
This Act, consisting of 54 sections divided into ten Chapters, establishes the Wildlife Conservation and Security Basic Legislation. The Government shall, by notification in the official Gazette, constitute a Board to be called the Wildlife Advisory Board consisting of a Chairman and necessary number of members from among the persons with expertise in conservation of biodiversity, forests and wildlife. The duties and functions of the Board constituted under sub-section (1) shall be as follows, namely: a) to review and provide directives in the matter of conservation, development and management of biodiversity, wildlife and forests; b) to review the activities on conservation, development and management of biodiversity, wildlife and forests and to provide necessary directives; c) to prepare incentive scheme for increasing awareness among people for the conservation of biodiversity, wildlife and forests; d) to approve any proposal submitted to the Government for constitution of technical any other committee, for carrying out the purposes of this Act; e) to approve the annual report with recommendations submitted to the Government.
Chapter III deals with Protection of Wild Animals and Plants, as follows: 1) No person shall hunt any wild animal without a license or pick, uproot, destroy or collect any plant mentioned in Schedule IV. 2) The Government may prohibit hunting of any specified or all wild animals in a specific forest area or throughout Bangladesh for a specific period. Determination of vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered species mentioned in schedule I, II and III and plants mentioned in schedule IV are vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered according to scientific data and internationally acceptable provisions or customs in consultation with the scientific committee.
Every warden shall register the wild animal or part of wild animals, trophy, uncured trophy or any specified plant mentioned in schedule IV or part or derivatives thereof in the custody or possession of any person in his jurisdiction within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of commencement of this Act and put appropriate registration mark and intimate the Chief Warden in detail mentioning the number and location of such stock in the form of a report. Chapter IX specifies Offence and Penalty for illegal activity.
Chapter III deals with Protection of Wild Animals and Plants, as follows: 1) No person shall hunt any wild animal without a license or pick, uproot, destroy or collect any plant mentioned in Schedule IV. 2) The Government may prohibit hunting of any specified or all wild animals in a specific forest area or throughout Bangladesh for a specific period. Determination of vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered species mentioned in schedule I, II and III and plants mentioned in schedule IV are vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered according to scientific data and internationally acceptable provisions or customs in consultation with the scientific committee.
Every warden shall register the wild animal or part of wild animals, trophy, uncured trophy or any specified plant mentioned in schedule IV or part or derivatives thereof in the custody or possession of any person in his jurisdiction within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of commencement of this Act and put appropriate registration mark and intimate the Chief Warden in detail mentioning the number and location of such stock in the form of a report. Chapter IX specifies Offence and Penalty for illegal activity.
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Long title of text
An Act to provide for the conservation and safety of biodiversity, forest and wildlife of the country by repealing the existing law relating to conservation and management of wildlife of Bangladesh.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Act enters into force at once.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by