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Law No. 4.397 amending Law No. 1.117 on the Policy on Environment of the State of Acre.

Type of law

This Law amends several articles of the Basic Policy on Environment of the State of Acre. Amendments deal with the environmental licensing which will be preceded by studies that prove, among other requirements, the following: the socio-economic impact and repercussions on local communities, considering the actual and proven risks of environmental pollution and significant environmental degradation, compared to the resulting benefits for life and the material and intellectual development of society; and the direct or indirect consequences on other activities practiced in the region, including subsistence activities. Annexes specify Activities subject to Environmental Licensing (including needed documents) and those exempt from such licensing.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force on the day of its publication.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Lei n 4.397 - Altera a Lei n 1.117 de 26 de janeiro de 1994, que disp e sobre a pol tica ambiental do Estado do Acre e d outras provid ncias.