Resolution No. 93/2021 amending Resolution No. 185/2020 on the Annual Executive Plan for the Fisheries Resources Management for the year 2021.
Type of law
This Resolution repeals point III of number 2.5 and point IV of n. 7, both of the Annex referred to in article 1 of Resolution No. 185/2020 of 31 December approving the Annual Executive Management Plan of Fishing Resources for the year 2021. The revocation above referred applies exclusively to the fishing of Sea cucumber and Bubonian conch ("Buzio Cabra"), maintaining the prohibition for the capture of other species.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Resolution enters into force on the day after its publication.
Serial Imprint
Boletim Oficial, S rie I, No. 99.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Resolu o n. 93/2021 - Derroga Resolu o No. 185/2020 que aprova o Plano Executivo Anual de Gest o dos Recursos da Pesca para 2021.