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Control of production and trade of reporductive material of animals and related matters (Control) (Sanitary requirements on trade in porcine semen) Regulations 2002 (P.I. 196/2002).

Type of law


Scope of these Regulations is to harmonize the existing Cypriot legislation with Council Directive 90/429/EEC laying down the animal health requirements applicable to intra-Community trade and imports of semen of domestic animals of the porcine species. The text sets forth conditions for the approval of semen collection centres and regulates matters concerning the issuing of licenses for the operation of such centres; it makes provisions for intra-Community trade and also for imports from third countries; conditions for the approval and the supervision of semen collection centres; conditions applying to the admission of animals to approved semen collection centres; routine tests to be carried out in laboratories approved by the governmental competent Authorities. The format for license applications forms for semen collection centres and animal health certificates is determined in the Annexes.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
After Notification by the Council of Ministers, to be published on the Official Gazette.
Serial Imprint
Episimi Efimerida tis Kypriakis Dimokratias No. 3597, Supplement III, Part I, 26 April 2002, pp. 1697 - 1728.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
( ) 2002.