European Community Eco-label Award Scheme Law, 2011 (Law No. 184( )/2011). 23 Dec 2011 | Cyprus Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: cyp110823.pdf
Law no. 10 of 2006 concerning Veterinary Medicinal Products (Quality Control, Registration, Circulation, Manufacture, Administration and Use). 17 Feb 2006 | Cyprus Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: cyp211601.pdf
Cabinet Decision No. 46299 on the signing of Agreements between the Republic of Cyprus and Russia in the fields of agriculture and stock-breeding. 03 Jul 1997 | Cyprus Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: cyp10878.pdf
Agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and the Czech Republic on cooperation in the field of agriculture. 05 Jun 1997 | Cyprus Czechia Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: cyp10879.pdf
Notification regarding the Cypriot standards and quality control Regulations of 1976 (No. 229/97). 01 Aug 1997 | Cyprus Legislation Miscellaneous FAOLEX Keywords: Waste Download: cyp11280.pdf
Notification regarding the Cypriot standards and quality control Regulations of 1976 (No. 230/97). 01 Aug 1997 | Cyprus Legislation Miscellaneous FAOLEX Download: cyp11282.pdf
Import of products (Control) (Amendment) Order (No. 233/97). 01 Aug 1997 | Cyprus Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Keywords: Certification Download: cyp11285.pdf
Agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and the Czech Republic on cooperation on veterinary matters. 05 Jun 1997 | Cyprus Czechia Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Keywords: Certification Download: bi-11269.pdf
Law no. 107 of 2022 providing for the promotion and encouragement of the use of renewable energy sources. 15 Jul 2022 | Cyprus Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: cyp212832.pdf
The Agricultural Insurance Law. 06 May 1977 | Cyprus Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: cyp211481.pdf