Decree on determining types and parameters of supported renewable source of energy for the production of electricity, heat or biomethane.
Type of law
This Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which is composed of 11 articles and five Annexes, lays down: (a) types and parameters of supported renewable sources of energy; (b) ways of the use renewable sources for the production of electricity, heat or biomethane; (c) presentation of the amount of biomass specifically grown on arable land and grassland in the production of biogas; (d) method of storage of documents and records on fuel used to produce electricity and heat from renewable sources and the production of biomethane and the method of production of this fuel; (e) proportion of biodegradable and degradable fraction of unsorted municipal waste to energy content of municipal waste; (f) sustainability criteria for bioliquids. Annex 1 contains classification of types of biomass that are the subject of support.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree enters into force on 1 January 2013.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws 477/2012
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Vyhl ka o stanoven druh a parametr podporovan ch obnoviteln ch zdroj pro v robu elekt iny, tepla nebo biometanu a o stanoven a uchov v n dokument .