Decree establishing emission limits and conditions for keeping non-stationary sources of of volatile organic compounds which pollute the atmosphere.
Type of law
This Decree of the Ministry of Environment establishes, in accordance with article 55, point 3 of the Air Protection Act: (i) categories of volatile organic compounds polluting the atmosphere; (ii) emission limits, conditions of functioning and categories of non-stationery sources of air pollution emitting volatile organic compounds from the processes applying organic solvents and from the storage and distribution of petrol; (iii) rules on the registration of the use of volatile organic compounds.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The Decree enters into force on the day of publication in the Collection of Laws.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws No. 355 of 2002.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Vyhlaska, kterou se stanovi emisni limity a dalsi podminky provozovani ostatnich stacionarnich zdroju znecistovani ovzdusi emitujicich tekave organicke latky z procesu aplikujicich organicka rozpoustedla a ze skladovani a distribuce benzinu.