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Decree on reporting and recording of heat and electricity from supported sources of energy and biomethane.

Type of law

This Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which is composed of 12 articles and seven Annexes, lays down: (1) method of measuring and calculating the amount of electricity produced from renewable sources or secondary sources of energy; (2) presentation of the amount of electricity from renewable and non-renewable sources, the amount of heat from renewable sources and secondary sources; (3) the mode of transmission and recording of measured or calculated values of the supported sources of energy; (4) the manner and procedure for transmission and recording of measured values of biomethane; (5) the procedure for putting the electricity generating plant into operation.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree enters into force on 1 January 2013.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws 478/2012
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Vyhl ka o vykazov n a evidenci elekt iny a tepla z podporovan ch zdroj a biometanu, mno stv a kvality skute n nabyt ch a vyu it ch zdroj a k proveden n kter ch dal ch ustanoven z kona o podporovan ch zdroj ch energie.