Compensation Ordinance Greenland.
Type of law
The present Ordinance implements the Lower Saxony Federal Nature Protection Act Implementing Law of 19 February 2010 and the Agriculture Chambers Law in its version of 20 February 2003. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the granting of compensation for greenland cultivation. Article 1 lists cases for which such compensation shall be granted. The text consists of 6 articles as follows: Compensation (1); Amount of compensation (2); Beneficiaries (3); Proceedings, exchange of data (4); Proof (5); Entry into force; repeal (6). One Annex is enclosed.
Attached files
Web site
Long title of text
Ordinance on compensation for greenland in protected parts of nature and landscape.
Date of text
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Verordnung ber den Erschwernisausgleich f r Gr nland in gesch tzten Teilen von Natur und Landschaft (Erschwernisausgleichsverordnung-Gr nland - EA-VO-Gr nland -).