Order No. 1423 on fishery regulation in 2014-2020.
Type of law
The Order sets regulations for 2014-2020 with regard to commercial fishing in Denmark. Regardless of where fishing occurs, vessel owners must comply with current fishery provisions in adherence to EU regulations on conservation of fishery resources. Vessels are subject to authorization for operating based on size, fishing methods and gear. The allowable catch quota assigned for various fishing areas include all fish species (salmon quota is based on number thereof and not weight). Transfer of catch may only take place after prior permission from the Danish AgriFish Agency and application should include all information pertaining the fishing vessel.
The Order consists of 24 Chapters and 19 Appendices: General regulation (1); General limitations (2); Vessel classification and other forms of regulation (3); General rules for allocation on the basis of quota shares (FKA and IOK) and transfer of yearly volume (4); Purpose and composition of the Fish Fund, ration-fishing for FKA species for FKA vessels (5); Special arrangement for coastal fishery (6); First-time establishment of FKA quota vessels or IOK-industrial species (7); Exchange of IOK and FKA yearly quota volume (8); Transfer of FKA quota (9); Pool fishing (10); Common provisions for IOK fishery (11); Mackerel in North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Baltic Sea and in Norwegian waters north of 62 N (12); Herring in the North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat and Atlantic Ocean herring (13); Sand-eel in North Sea EU waters, Skagerrak and Kattegat, North Sea Norwegian zone, blue whiting in Faroese zone, horse mackerel in ICES areas IIa, IVa, Vb, VI, VIIa-c and e-k, VIIIa, b, d-e, XII and XIV, boarfish in EU and international waters of ICES zones VI, VII and VIII and Norway pout in the North Sea (EU waters), Skagerrak and Kattegat (14); Industrial fishery (15); Ration fishery (16); General regulations (17); KW-days related to recovery of some stocks in ICES zone IIIa IC, VI, VIIa, VII, in EU waters in zones IIa and Vb (18); KW Fund (19); Allocation of KW for first-time established quotas which have been granted FKA or IOK quotas (20); Transfer of KW quotas to other vessels (21); Maximum capacity of KW for vessels authorized to fish in a target area (kW-ceiling)(22); Fisheries regulated by quotas (23); Control provisions, appeals, penalties (24).
North Sea waters, the English Channel , Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Baltic Sea and the Belts with ICES subareas (Appendix 1); Application for authorization and cancellation of license (Appendix 2); Permissions (Appendix 3); Conversion factors when determining quantities (Appendix 4); Notification of arrival and unloading to the Danish AgriFish Agency (Appendix 5a); Notification of change in waters to Danish AgriFish Agency (Appendix 5b); Reporting of new rules and conditions of fishery (Appendix 6); Species prohibited to discard if legally landed (Appendix 7); Information for the Danish AgriFish Agency related to the transfer of Individual Transferable Quotas shares and annual quantities (Appendix 8); Notification to the AgriFish Agency related to transfer of FKA quotas and annual quantities of certain species (Appendix 9); Landing of cod, hake, herring, mackerel and horse mackerel of certain amounts at designated harbors (Appendix 10); List of deep-sea species (Appendix 11); Percentage distribution of individual quotas by nets or trawl vessels allocated by FKA quotas based on calculation for each vessel, see article 73 (Appendix 12); Trawling and/or other towing fishing methods in the Kattegat (Appendix 13); Requirements for selective fishing bags to be utilized when fishing with trawls and/or other towing fishing methods in the Kattegat and with a minimum mesh size of 90 mm in adherence to article 35, section 2 (Appendix 14 ); Requirements for selective equipment to be applied when fishing with trawls and/or other towing in the Skagerrak, see article 36 (Appendix 15 ); Notification to the Danish AgriFish Agency related to the transfer on kW days (Appendix 16); Maximum rates for property and concession quotas pursuant to articles 86 and 90 (Appendix 17); List of equipment causing 50% additional yearly quantity for each quota for vessels fishing only by this method, see article 65 (Appendix 18). Table of contents (Appendix 19).
The Order consists of 24 Chapters and 19 Appendices: General regulation (1); General limitations (2); Vessel classification and other forms of regulation (3); General rules for allocation on the basis of quota shares (FKA and IOK) and transfer of yearly volume (4); Purpose and composition of the Fish Fund, ration-fishing for FKA species for FKA vessels (5); Special arrangement for coastal fishery (6); First-time establishment of FKA quota vessels or IOK-industrial species (7); Exchange of IOK and FKA yearly quota volume (8); Transfer of FKA quota (9); Pool fishing (10); Common provisions for IOK fishery (11); Mackerel in North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Baltic Sea and in Norwegian waters north of 62 N (12); Herring in the North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat and Atlantic Ocean herring (13); Sand-eel in North Sea EU waters, Skagerrak and Kattegat, North Sea Norwegian zone, blue whiting in Faroese zone, horse mackerel in ICES areas IIa, IVa, Vb, VI, VIIa-c and e-k, VIIIa, b, d-e, XII and XIV, boarfish in EU and international waters of ICES zones VI, VII and VIII and Norway pout in the North Sea (EU waters), Skagerrak and Kattegat (14); Industrial fishery (15); Ration fishery (16); General regulations (17); KW-days related to recovery of some stocks in ICES zone IIIa IC, VI, VIIa, VII, in EU waters in zones IIa and Vb (18); KW Fund (19); Allocation of KW for first-time established quotas which have been granted FKA or IOK quotas (20); Transfer of KW quotas to other vessels (21); Maximum capacity of KW for vessels authorized to fish in a target area (kW-ceiling)(22); Fisheries regulated by quotas (23); Control provisions, appeals, penalties (24).
North Sea waters, the English Channel , Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Baltic Sea and the Belts with ICES subareas (Appendix 1); Application for authorization and cancellation of license (Appendix 2); Permissions (Appendix 3); Conversion factors when determining quantities (Appendix 4); Notification of arrival and unloading to the Danish AgriFish Agency (Appendix 5a); Notification of change in waters to Danish AgriFish Agency (Appendix 5b); Reporting of new rules and conditions of fishery (Appendix 6); Species prohibited to discard if legally landed (Appendix 7); Information for the Danish AgriFish Agency related to the transfer of Individual Transferable Quotas shares and annual quantities (Appendix 8); Notification to the AgriFish Agency related to transfer of FKA quotas and annual quantities of certain species (Appendix 9); Landing of cod, hake, herring, mackerel and horse mackerel of certain amounts at designated harbors (Appendix 10); List of deep-sea species (Appendix 11); Percentage distribution of individual quotas by nets or trawl vessels allocated by FKA quotas based on calculation for each vessel, see article 73 (Appendix 12); Trawling and/or other towing fishing methods in the Kattegat (Appendix 13); Requirements for selective fishing bags to be utilized when fishing with trawls and/or other towing fishing methods in the Kattegat and with a minimum mesh size of 90 mm in adherence to article 35, section 2 (Appendix 14 ); Requirements for selective equipment to be applied when fishing with trawls and/or other towing in the Skagerrak, see article 36 (Appendix 15 ); Notification to the Danish AgriFish Agency related to the transfer on kW days (Appendix 16); Maximum rates for property and concession quotas pursuant to articles 86 and 90 (Appendix 17); List of equipment causing 50% additional yearly quantity for each quota for vessels fishing only by this method, see article 65 (Appendix 18). Table of contents (Appendix 19).
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Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2014.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bekendtg relse om regulering af fiskeriet i 2014-2020.