Order No. 1430 on inspection of spraying equipment.
Type of law
This Order sets out rules for regular inspection of professional pesticide application equipment (spraying syringes). The Order does NOT apply to tanks with a volume of 25 liters or less, and tanks for forestry pesticide spraying syringes; nor does apply to plant protection machinery pesticides or manure in granules form. Owners of spraying equipment shall ensure that their spraying equipment is approved following inspection within the required time limits - New spraying equipment purchased after 31 December 2013 shall be subject to inspection and approval of use within five years from purchase and at least every three years. The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes the inspection of sprayers manufactured in other European states or in third countries with which the EU holds an agreement in adherence to inspection requirements set out in Directive 2009/128/EC. Inspected and approved equipment certification shall be subject to an annual fee of DKK 306 (information shall be notified on the Agency s website www.mst.dk). An experimental unit having a GEP recognition ("Good Experimental Practice", following practice in accordance to European Plant Protection Organisation and the Mediterranean (EPPO) Guidelines 181 and 152) may in special cases be authorized by the Environmental Protection Agency as a testing center for private sprayers.
The Order consists of 8 Chapters and 3 Appendices: Scope and definitions (1); Time limits, inspection of syringes (2); Approval as inspection bodies (3); Inspection of sprayers in Denmark made by foreign inspection bodies (4); Inspection of sprayers (5); Authorities, inspection, fees and appeals (6); Penalties (7); Entry into force (8).
Appendix 1 - Requirements for syringes.
Appendix 2 - Equipment requirements for inspection bodies.
Appendix 3 - Training in inspection of spraying equipment for land and mist sprayers.
The Order consists of 8 Chapters and 3 Appendices: Scope and definitions (1); Time limits, inspection of syringes (2); Approval as inspection bodies (3); Inspection of sprayers in Denmark made by foreign inspection bodies (4); Inspection of sprayers (5); Authorities, inspection, fees and appeals (6); Penalties (7); Entry into force (8).
Appendix 1 - Requirements for syringes.
Appendix 2 - Equipment requirements for inspection bodies.
Appendix 3 - Training in inspection of spraying equipment for land and mist sprayers.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2015.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bekendtg relse om syn af spr jteudstyr.