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Order No. 168 on delegation of certain functions and powers relating to trade in timber and timber products to combat trade of illegally harvested timber.

Type of law

The Order sets rules on the functions and powers under Act No. 1225, which are exercised by the Danish Nature Agency. They include the notification of information - including financial and accounting matters - which may be determining for the implementation of the Agency monitoring, and the remuneration against receipt to remove or to take samples of wood and wood products. Decisions taken by the Danish Nature Agency shall not be appealed to any other administrative authority.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
3 March 2013.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bekendtg relse om henl ggelse af visse opgaver og bef jelser vedr rende handel med tr og tr produkter med henblik p bek mpelse af handel med ulovligt f ldet tr .