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Ambient Air Protection Act.

Type of law
Date of original text

The principal objective of this Act is to maintain the quality of the ambient air in areas where the quality of the air is good and to improve the quality of the ambient air in areas where the quality of the air does not conform to the requirements provided by this Act. This Act regulates activities which involve the affecting of the ambient air by chemical or physical means, damage to the ozone layer or appearance of factors which cause climate change. Affecting of the ambient air by chemical is the alteration of the composition of pure ambient air by way of emission of pollutants. Affecting of the ambient air by physical means is affecting of the air by noise, ionising radiation, non-ionising radiation, ultrasound or infrasound. This Act shall be applicable to air pollution from stationary and non-stationary sources. The level of pollution is the content of a pollutant per unit of volume of ambient air at 293 Kelvins or the deposition of a pollutant on one square meter of the ground during a specific period of time. The limit value of pollution is the permissible volume of a pollutant per unit of volume of ambient air. The procedure for determination of ambient air pollution levels shall be established by a regulation of the Minister of the Environment. The territory of the state is divided into zones according to the quality of ambient air. The following shall be established by a regulation of the Minister of the Environment: (a) limit values of the level of pollution; (b) target values; (c) margins of tolerance;(d) alert threshold of pollutants; (e) long-term targets for pollutant content; and notification threshold. A plan of action for an area shall be prepared by the environmental authority based on the plans of action for reducing the emission levels of pollutants submitted by the possessors of sources of pollution. The environmental authority shall publish a plan of action for reducing the emission levels of pollutants in an area at its website. An ambient air pollution permit and special pollution permit are documents which grant, in the cases provided by this Act, the right to release pollutants originating from a stationary source of pollution into the ambient air, and set the conditions for using such right.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
This Act enters into force on 30 September 2004.
Subsection 96 (1) of this Act enters into force on 27 November 2004.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Repealed by