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Regulation No. 12 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on requirements for the content of the flood risk assessment report, the management plan and the updated management plan and the list of data to be indicated on the map of the flood risk area and the flood risk area

Type of law

This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraphs 109 (4), 111 (2) and 112 (3) of the Water Act, provides for the requirements for the content of the flood risk assessment report, the management plan and the updated management plan and the list of data to be indicated on the map of the flood risk area and the flood risk area. It consists of four sections: Content of flood risk assessment report (1); Data to be indicated on maps of flood risk area and flood risk area (2); Contents of flood risk management plan and updated flood management plan (3); and Entry into force of regulation (4).
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment