Regulation No. 23 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on requirements for a test laboratory performing physico-chemical and chemical parameters studies of water, analyzes to be performed within the framework of these studies and quality assurance of the activities of the test laboratory, and reference methods of analysis
Type of law
Date of original text
This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 236 (7) and 237 (4) of the Water Act, provides for requirements for a testing laboratory performing physico-chemical and chemical research of water and quality requirements for its activities; quality requirements for analyses performed in the course of physico-chemical and chemical research of water; and reference methods for sample analysis. It consists of nine sections: Scope of regulation (1); Receipt of sample in testing laboratory (2); Selection of method of analysis (3); Formulation of analysis results (4); Contestation of analysis results (5); Quality assurance and control of test laboratory work (6); Minimum criteria for methods of analysis (7); Calculation of average values (8); Interpretation of analytical results (8-1); and Entry into force of regulation (9).
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Date of consolidation/reprint
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Keskkonnaminister m rus nr 23 n uded vee f sikalis-keemilisi ja keemiliste parameetrite uuringuid teostavale katselaborile, nende uuringute raames tehtavatele anal sidele ja katselabori tegevuse kvaliteedi tagamisele ning anal si referentmeetodid