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Regulation No. 26 of 2012 of Minister of Social Affairs of Estonia on Procedure for providing safety information about medicinal products, for calculating the fees charged for the safety and quality monitoring of medicinal products and for the payment of such fees

Type of law
Date of original text

This regulation establishes the procedure for providing safety information about medicinal products, for calculating the fees charged for the safety and quality monitoring of medicinal products and for the payment of such fees. The physician, dentist, veterinarian, nurse, midwife or user of a medicinal product informs the State Agency of Medicines of an adverse reaction to a medicinal product, using the electronic form of the adverse reaction report or a paper report.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Serial Imprint
RT I, 18.07.2012, 7
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Eesti sotsiaalministri 2012. aasta m rus nr 26 Ravimi ohutusalase teabe edastamise ning ravimi ohutus- ja kvaliteediseire tasu arvestamise ja tasumise kord