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Regulation No. 29 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on Quality limit values and requirements for use of sewage sludge used in landscaping, cultivation and agriculture.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 172 (5) of the Water Act, regulates the use of sewage sludge in agriculture, landscaping and recultivation in order to prevent its harmful effects on surface and groundwater, soil, plants, animal and human health. The requirements of this Regulation do not apply to research and development activities if the protection of surface and groundwater, plants, animals and human health is ensured. It consists of 17 sections: Scope of application and application of this Regulation (1); Sewage sludge (2); Treated or stabilised sediment (3); Requirements for sediment stabilisation (4); Use of sludge (5); Use of sludge in agriculture (6); Use of sludge in landscaping (7); Use of sludge in recultivation (8); Use of sludge in agriculture, landscaping and recultivation (9); Additional requirements for use of sludge in landscaping, recultivation and cultivation of short rotation coppice (10); Additional requirements for use of sludge in agriculture, except short rotation coppice cultivation (11); Obligations of user of sludge in keeping records of use of sludge, transmission and storage of data (12); Obligations of issuer of sludge for use in record keeping, transmission and storage of data concerning use of sludge (13); Taking and analysis of sediment samples (14); Frequency of sediment sampling (15); Sampling and analysis of soil sediments for use in agriculture (16); and Entry into force of regulation (17).
Date of consolidation/reprint
Date of text
Consolidated text of the Regulation no. 29 of 2019, as last amended by the Regulation no. 31 of 2023, published in the State Gazette, I no. 2 of 6 June 2023.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment