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Regulation No. 35 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment of Estonia on Content of the River Basin Water Monitoring Program, Principles, Methods and Methodology for the Development of the Water Monitoring Program and Implementation Requirements.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 53 (5) of the Water Act, specifies the content of river basin water monitoring programs, including requirements for monitoring surface and groundwater and areas in need of protection specified in subsection 36 (1) of the Water Act, principles, methods and methodology for preparation of water monitoring programs and implementation requirements. This Regulation applies to the water monitoring program of a river basin district and a part of a transboundary river basin district located in Estonia. For the purposes of this Regulation, monitoring of surface water includes monitoring of inland watercourses and stagnant water bodies, coastal waters and monitoring of chemical status also in the territorial sea. The Regulation consists of four chapters: General provisions (1); Monitoring of surface water bodies and the territorial sea (2); Monitoring of groundwater bodies (3); and Requirements for quality assurance of river basin water monitoring (4). The Regulation, among others, also provides for surveillance of surface water bodies and the territorial sea; operational monitoring of surface water bodies and the territorial sea; additional monitoring of surface water bodies and territorial sea research and additional monitoring of surface water bodies located in areas in need of protection; monitoring the quantitative status of groundwater bodies; monitoring of the chemical status of groundwater bodies; and additional monitoring of groundwater bodies in areas in need of protection.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Date of text
Consolidated text of the Regulation no. 35 of 2019, as last amended by the Regulation no. 36 of 2023, published in the State Gazette I, no. 1 of 13 July 2023.
Serial Imprint
State Gazette I, no. 9 of 3 September 2019.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Eesti keskkonnaministri 2019 aasta M rus nr. 35 Vesikonna veeseireprogrammi sisu, veeseireprogrammi koostamise p him tted, meetodid ja metoodika ning rakendamise n uded kohta