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Regulation No. 42 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on requirements for the construction and use of a storage facility for a petroleum product, shale oil, its product or biofuel and the specified extent of the shape

Type of law
Date of original text

This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 142 of the Water Act, establishes the requirements for the construction and use of a storage facility for petroleum products, shale oil, its products or biofuels and the specified extent of the form in order to protect human health, prevent water pollution or danger thereof. This Regulation does not apply to public car service stations, chemical storage, loading, unloading and transhipment points and other buildings necessary for the handling of chemicals in a port, car terminal, railway station and airport. The Regulation consists of 14 sections: Scope of application and application of this Regulation (1); Size of storage facility (2); Leakage resistance of storage and requirements for pipelines (3); Requirement for existence of boundaries of large and medium storage facilities or reserve tanks (4); Requirements for storage, unloading, transhipment or refuelling of storage facilities and underground tank (5); Requirements for drainage of rainwater from storage (6); General requirements for use of storage facility (7); Technical documentation of storage facility (8); Prevention of leakage of storage facility and notification thereof (9); Emergency response plan for storage facilities for water protection purposes (10); Storage maintenance diary (11); Storage alley (12); Application of Chapters 2 and 3 of Regulation (13); and Entry into force of this Regulation (14).
Date of consolidation/reprint
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment