Regulation No. 45 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on Requirements for the Use and Storage of Fertilizers for the Protection of Groundwater and Surface Water and for the Prevention and Control of Pollution from Agricultural Production
Type of law
This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraphs 158 (5), 161 (11) and 167 (2) of the Water Act, regulates water protection requirements for fertiliser and manure storage facilities and silo storage sites and requirements for the storage of mineral fertilisers, manure and silage juice, requirements for the transport and storage of fertilisers and silage; and the maximum amounts of nitrogen applied per hectare of cultivated land per year by agricultural crops, depending on the fertiliser use necessary for the growth of the crop. This Regulation consists of ten sections: Scope of regulation (1); Water protection requirements for storage of solid mineral fertiliser (2); Water protection requirements for storage of liquid mineral fertiliser (3); Storage of manure in the field (4); Water protection requirements for manure and urine storage facilities (5); Water protection requirements for paving sites (6); Storage of silage in the field (7); Transport of mineral fertilisers, manure and silage (8); Requirements for use of fertilisers containing nitrogen (9); and Spreading of silage juice and whey (10).
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment