Regulation No. 54 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on specified requirements for water body expansion, dam elimination and lowering the water level and methodology for determining the minimum ecological flow
Type of law
This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraphs 174 (9) and 175 (7) of the Water Act, establishes specified requirements for the expansion of water bodies, environmental monitoring related to expansion, protection of aquatic life, dam, elimination of expansion and lowering of water levels, and methodology for determining the minimum ecological flow. It consists of nine sections: Scope of regulation (1); Requirements for expansion of water body (2); Requirements for dams (3); Environmental monitoring requirements upon expansion (4); Requirements for protection of aquatic life upon expansion of water body (5); Determination of minimum ecological flow (6); Ensuring minimum ecological flow for protection of aquatic life (7); Requirements for lowering of water level and elimination of expansion (8); and Entry into force and implementation of regulation (9).
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Date of text
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment