Regulation No. 63 of 2019 of Minister of Social Affairs on requirements for bathing water and beaches
Type of law
This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 91 (2) of the Water Act, establishes requirements for bathing water and bathing beaches, bathing water monitoring, classification and quality management and the provision of information to the public on bathing water quality for the purpose of protecting human health. The requirements of this Regulation apply to all bathing areas where a large number of people swim and in which bathing is not permanently prohibited or in respect of which no permanent advice has been given not to bathe. The requirements of this Regulation are to be complied with by legal persons in public and private law and natural persons who are owners or possessors of bathing areas. The requirements of this Regulation do not apply to the water of swimming pools and health pools, to the water of closed artificial waters which is treated or used for treatment, or to the water of swimming pools where the water of an artificially created closed water body separated from surface and groundwater is used. The Regulation consists of ten sections: Scope of application (1); Terms used in the regulation (2); Requirements for establishment of bathing area (3); Requirements for opening of bathing season (4); Requirements for monitoring of bathing water (5); Bathing water quality assessment (6); Requirements for classification and quality of bathing water (7); Requirements for preparation of bathing water profile (8); Requirements for informing the public (9); and Public involvement (10).
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment