Regulation No. 67 of 2019 of Minister of the Environment on requirements for the content of the water management plan and program of measures
Type of law
Date of original text
This Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraphs 43 (4) and 46 (4) of the Water Act, provides for the requirements for the content of the water management plan and program of measures. It consists of three sections: Content of water management plan (1); Content of the program of measures (2); and Content of updated water management plan (3). The Regulation provides that A water management plan shall contain: (1) summaries of the analysis of the characteristics of the river basin and economic analysis of water use specified in 44 of the Water Act and an overview of significant emissions from human activities to surface and groundwater in the relevant river basin; (2) a list of areas in need of protection, information on their location submitted on the river basin map and a list of legislation on the basis of which special protection is applied to these areas; (3) maps of river basin monitoring networks; (4) information submitted on the river basin map concerning the status of surface and groundwater and areas in need of special protection and an assessment of the reliability and accuracy of the data used in the assessment of the status; (5) an additional description of endangered groundwater bodies and groundwater bodies in poor condition pursuant to subsection 67 (3) of the Water Act; (6) an overview of the presence and emissions of hazardous substances, changes in the content of these substances in the river basin district and information concerning the presence of these substances marked on the river basin map; (7) an overview of the water protection objectives of surface and groundwater bodies and areas in need of protection, the exceptions applied to these objectives and information related to the application of exceptions pursuant to 39-42 of the Water Act; (8) the grounds for designating surface water bodies as artificial water bodies or heavily modified water bodies; (9) a summary of the program of measures of the water management plan and the ways of achieving the water protection objectives provided for in Division 1 of Division 2 of Chapter 2 of the Water Act; (10) a list of supplementary plans of the water management plan to be implemented in the river basin district and a summary of these plans; (11) a preliminary flood risk assessment of the river basin district and maps of flood hazard and risk areas of the river basin district; (12) a summary of the river basin flood risk reduction plan; (13) a list of land and water areas where the use of water must be reduced or further use of water must be prevented; (14) an overview of informing and involving the public in the preparation of the draft water management plan and a summary of the results of the open procedure, including a summary of the amendments made to the draft water management plan as a result of the open procedure; (15) a list of competent authorities responsible for the use and protection of water in the river basin district and information on those authorities, including the contact details of those authorities; (16) information concerning receipt of the documents specified in subsection 48 (5 ) of the Water Act and related information; (17) the justification for the monitoring frequency if the state environmental monitoring for the assessment of the status of the water body is performed at longer intervals than prescribed in the regulation established on the basis of subsection 53 (5) of the Water Act; (18) the matrices and monitoring frequencies monitored for the assessment of the status of the water body by water bodies; (19) long-term analyzes of the dynamics of substances accumulating in sediment or aquatic organisms and measures to ensure that the concentration of the above substances in sediment or aquatic life does not increase significantly; (20) an inventory of emissions, discharges and losses of priority substances, priority hazardous substances and certain other pollutants, together with appropriate maps for each river basin, if possible, including the concentration of these substances in sediment and aquatic life; and (21) a table of the limits of determination of the analytical methods used and information on the compliance of these methods with Regulation No. 23 of the Minister of the Environment of 28 June 2019 Regulation No. 23) to subsections 7 (1) and (6).
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment