Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1535/2003 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/96 as regards the aid scheme for products processed from fruit and vegetables.
Type of law
Regulation (EC) No. 2201/96 introduces aid to producer organizations delivering tomatoes, peaches and pears for the production of the products listed in Annex I to that Regulation and aid for the production of prunes and figs. These products must be obtained from fruit and vegetables harvested in the Community. The present Regulation lays down detailed rules in respect of the aid scheme. The Regulation consists of the following eight Chapters: (I) Definitions and marketing years; (II) Contracts; (III) Information to be provided to Member States; (IV) Raw materials; (V) Aid applications and payment of the aid; (VI) Checks and penalties; (VII) Notification to the Commission; (VIII) Transitional and final provisions.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Official Journal L 218, 30 August 2003, pp. 14-30.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment