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Act on Plant Variety Rights.

Type of law
Date of original text

A plant breeder or a person who has acquired a right of a plant breeder can, through registration of the right as sole proprietor, exploit the variety for commercial use (sect. 1).
The 40 sections of the Act are divided into 10 Chapters: General provisions (1); Conditions for granting of plant variety rights (2); Scope of protection of plant variety rights (3); Application for registration and procedures (4); Validity of rights as well as use and changing of variety denomination (5); Licences, compulsory licences and entries in the register (6) Termination of the plant variety right (7); Protection of plant variety rights under private law (8); Penal provision (9); Miscellaneous provisions (10).
Chapter 2 formulates criteria for the granting of a plant breeders' right with respect to the breeder (sect. 3), the plant variety (sect. 4), and the originality of the proposed variety (sect. 5). Registration shall take place with the Plant Variety Board which shall be created by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Section 11 concerns the registration of a variety name and section 12 the priority of registration. Section 24 provides for compulsory licences to be granted by the holder of plant breeders' rights.
Date of consolidation/reprint
The English version is a consolidated text of Act No. 789 of 1992 as amended last by Act No. 238 of 5 March 1999 and shall enter into force on 15 March 1999.The Swedish version is updated last by Act No. 706 of of 2 september 2005.
Publication reference
Unofficial English translation of the Ministry of the Environment.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Lag om v xtf r dlarr tt.