Loch Ewe, Isle of Ewe, Wester Ross, Scallops Several Fishery (Variation) Order 2002 (S.S.I. No. 185 of 2002).
Type of law
This Order varies the Loch Ewe, Isle of Ewe, Wester Ross, Scallops Several Fishery Order 1997 by: (a) extending the period for which the right of several fishery in Loch Ewe, Wester Ross is granted to the applicant (art. 2(3)); (b) requiring the harvesting of scallops within the fishery to be carried out manually by divers (art. 2(4)); (c) specifying a creel as an implement of fishing the use of which is permitted within the fishery (art. 2(2) and (4)); (d) enabling the Scottish Ministers to give their consent to the assignation or other transfer of the right of several fishery in electronic form (art. 2(5)); and (e) amending the description of the fishery (art. 2(7) and the Schedule).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Enters into force on 7 May 2002.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment