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Oil and Fibre Plant Seed (England) Regulations 2002 (S.I. No. 3174 of 2002).

Type of law

These Regulations, which extend to England only, consolidate, with amendments, the provisions of the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds Regulations 1993 (S.I. 1993/2007) as relevantly amended. The 1993 Regulations implemented the provisions of Council Directive 69/208/EEC on the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants. That Directive, as amended, was replaced by Council Directive 2002/57/EC on the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants as amended by Council Directive 2002/68/EC, Commission Directive 2003/45/EC and Council Directive 2003/61/EC. These Regulations implement the provisions of that Directive, subject to exemptions for caraway, cotton, hemp and opium poppy contained in Commission Decision 74/360/EEC and the exemption for safflower contained in Commission Decision 89/101/EEC and the withdrawal of the exemption for hemp contained in Commission Decision 2003/234/EC. The Regulations apply to the certification and marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants of the species specified in Schedule 2 to these Regulations (reg. 5). The Regulations include provisions that lay down the procedures relating to the certification of seed of oil and fibre plants in England (Part II), including provisions relating to the entry of seed lots (reg. 6), the entry of crops (reg. 7), the field inspection of crops (reg. 8), the lodging of field inspection reports and similar documents (reg. 9), the re-grading of crops (reg. 10), seed testing (reg. 11), the lodging of seed test reports (reg. 12), the re-grading of seed (reg. 13) and the withdrawal of official certification (reg. 14). The Regulations include provisions that prohibit the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants in England except for seed that falls into one of the categories listed in Schedule 6 (reg. 15). These categories are defined in Schedule 1. The prohibition does not apply in the case of seed of a category that is not listed in Schedule 6 where an authorisation has been granted for scientific purposes or selection work (reg. 18) or for the purpose of tests and trials (reg. 19) or is authorised by a general licence made under regulation 20. The Regulations lay down requirements relating to the sampling (reg. 23) and packaging (reg. 24) of seed and the sealing (reg. 25) and labelling of packages (reg. 26) of seed.
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Legislation status
Legislation Amendment