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Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (Wales) Order 2001 (S.I. No. 2662 (W. 218) of 2001).

Type of law

This Order implements paragraph 8 of Chapter 1 of the Annex to Council Directive 91/628/EEC on the protection of animals during transport. It also implements Article 12.1(a) of Council Directive 64/432/EEC on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine. This Order sets out the following requirements: (a) after the transport of any hoofed animals, and domestic fowl, turkeys, geese, ducks guinea-fowls, quails, pigeons, pheasants, partridges and ratites, the means of transport and associated equipment must be cleansed and disinfected in accordance with Schedule 1 before it is used again to transport those animals (art. 3(2) and (4)); (b) even if the requirement specified in paragraph (a) above has been met,the means of transport must be cleansed and disinfected again before those animals are transported if the means of transport has become soiled so as to cause a risk of transmission of disease (art. 3(4)); (c) following a journey, the means of transport must be cleansed and disinfected as soon as reasonably practicable, but in any event within not more than 24 hours (art. 3(3)); and (d) any person transporting animals must remove dead animals, litter and excreta from the means of transport as soon as possible (art. 3(5)).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
These Regulations come into force on 21 July 2001.
These Regulations revoke and replace, with changes, the instruments dealing with the cleansing and disinfection of means of transport for animals set out in Schedule 3 (for Wales).
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment