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Council Directive 91/628/EEC on the protection of animals during transport and amending Directives 90/425/EEC and 91/496/EEC.

Type of law

This Directive establishes standards for the transport of animals. No animal shall be transported unless it is fit for the intended journey and unless suitable provisions have been made for its care during the journey and on arrival at the place of destination. Animals that are ill or injured shall not be considered fit for transport.
Animals that fall ill or are injured during transport shall receive first-aid treatment as soon as possible. Member States shall ensure that animals are identified and registered and are accompanied by the documentation required by Community or national legislation enabling the competent authority to check their origin and their ownership, their place of departure and place of destination, the date and time of departure.
If it is found in the course of transport that the provisions of this Directive are not being or have not been complied with, the competent authority of the place at which such a finding is made shall require the person in charge of the means of transport to take any action which the competent authority considers necessary in order to safeguard the welfare of the animals concerned. The Annex regards special provisions for domestic solipeds and domestic animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine species, poultry, domestic birds and domestic rabbits, domestic dogs and domestic cats, other mammals and birds and other vertebrate animals and cold-blooded animals. (22 articles and 1 Annex)
Date of text
Serial Imprint
CELEX-EUR Official Journal L 34, 11 December 1991, pp. 17-27.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by