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Welfare of Livestock (Amendment) Regulations 1998 (No. 1709 of 1998).

Type of law


These Regulations introduce a mandatory requirement to keep calves in groups after the age of eight weeks (except where certified by a veterinarian). The method of calculating space allowance in individual stalls and pens is redefined and space allowances for calves housed in groups are increased. Individual stalls and pens housing calves must allow tactile as well as visual contact. The requirements relating to group housing, space allowances and tactile and visual contact do not apply before 1st January 2004 for accommodation in use before 1st January 1998. Tethering is no longer permitted except in respect of group-housed calves for a short period during feeding. Calves which are housed must now be inspected twice daily and all calves must be fed twice daily. Higher standards are set for the provision of dietary iron and fibre. A new requirement that calves should receive colostrum within the first six hours of life is introduced.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This amendment will come into force on 27 July 1998.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment