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Ministerial Decision no. 99/116066/2022. Determination of the exact content, implementation details and the beneficiary of Action 3.3 "Enrichment of Beekeeping Flora" in the context of the program to improve the production and marketing of beekeeping products for the year 2022.

Type of law

This Decision, in application of the par. 11 of article 7 of the Joint Decision of the Minister and the Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food no. 788/334896/23-12-2019, provides for the determination of the exact content, the costs and the payment procedure for the implementation of Action 3.3 "Enrichment of Beekeeping Flora", in the framework of the program for improving the production and marketing of beekeeping products for the year 2022. The Decision identifies the beneficiary and specifies its compliance with legislation on public procurement, describes the Action as follows: planning and implementation of a pilot project, addressed to professional and amateur beekeepers for the creation of suitable places for placing the hives, to improve production. The Decision defines eligible expenses: fees for regularly and temporary staff; supply and installation of beekeeping plants; creation of rural and forest roads and passages; supply and installation of irrigation system equipment. The Decision provides for monitoring, inspection and penalties.
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Government Gazette no. 2290/B of 2022.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
99/116066/2022. , 3.3 2022.