Presidential Order No. 184 laying down animal health requirements governing trade in and imports of animals, semen, ova and embryos, in compliance Council Directive 92/65/EEC of 13 July 1992.
Type of law
This Order lays down animal health requirements governing trade in and imports into the country of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements laid down in Presidential Order No. 420/1993. It aims to the prevention of infectious diseases in relating to the trade from Member States and third countries of specific animal species. A health certificate must accompany the animal subject to trade and come from approved breeding establishments.
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
As from 1 January 1994.
Serial Imprint
Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 137, Part I, 3 July 1996, pp. 2551-2562.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment