Regulation on implementation of intervention 75.01. Establishment of young farmers from the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy of the Republic of Croatia 2023-2027.
Type of law
This Regulation here determines the implementation of intervention 75.01. Establishment of young farmers from the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy of the Republic of Croatia for the period from the year 2023 until the year 2027. This text further specifies related procedures that will be carried out by the Agency for payments in agriculture, fisheries and rural development; the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as the Management Body and additional procedural matters regarding possible appeals against the decisions of the Payment Agency. Eligible beneficiaries are young farmers who are holders/responsible persons in: a) a family farm; b) a trade in which agriculture is the predominant activity registered in the trade register; c) a trading company whose main activity is agriculture registered in the Register of Business Entities maintained by the State Statistics Office (excluding trading companies whose founders and owners are public law bodies). General conditions of acceptance of projects and activities are laid down in article 8. Eligible activities or accepted expenses are defined in article 10.
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force on 24 August 2024.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 99/2024
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o provedbi intervencije 75.01. Uspostava mladih poljoprivrednika iz Strate kog plana Zajedni ke poljoprivredne politike Republike Hrvatske 2023-2027.