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Regulation on microbiological classification and special hygiene rules for live shellfish in production areas and areas for re-laying.

Type of law

This Regulation, based on the provisions of the Law on food hygiene and microbiological criteria for food, and in relation with the article 24 of the Law on official controls and other official activities carried out in accordance with regulations on food, animal feed, animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, prescribes: detailed rules of procedure in the event that monitoring results show that the health standards for live bivalves, live echinoderms, live tunicates and live sea snails intended for human consumption are not met; detailed rules for the microbiological classification of production areas and areas for the re-laying of live bivalve molluscs. Article 6 states that the Ministry of Agriculture determines the position and boundaries of production areas, their zones and areas for re-laying of live shellfish. Microbiological classification and reclassification of production areas and areas for re-laying of live bivalve molluscs are defined in article 9. The Annex is also part of this publication (limit values of toxic phytoplankton species).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text enters into force on 2 January 2023.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 126/2022
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o mikrobiolo koj klasifikaciji i posebnim pravilima higijene ivih koljka a na proizvodnim podru jima i podru jima za ponovno polaganje.