Regulation on the professional service for the implementation of hunting management plans.
Type of law
This Regulation prescribes the organization of the professional service for the implementation of hunting management plans, also aimed for hunting license holders.
Article 2 determines that one or more hunting expert persons can be considered as a professional service; the professional service must have at its disposal adequate IT and other appropriate technical equipment and professional literature; the professional service shall be obliged to conclude a written contract with the hunter for each accepted professional job.
The professional service organizes, performs and supervises all professional hunting activities and activities regarding the breeding and protection of game and other animal species, game habitats, hunting and hunting facilities, hunting dogs, hunting weapons and ammunition, hunting of wildlife, hunting ethics, game damage, game counts and nutrition, game health and fitness, business documentation, analysis of hunting conditions or areas where hunting grounds are prohibited, as well as other professional activities in hunting sector where hunting grounds are prohibited, as in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations governing hunting, hunting management plans and hunting contract or concession issues.
The Annex is also part of this publication (Annex 1, 2 and 3; containing reporting forms and sheets, also game damage reporting forms).
Article 2 determines that one or more hunting expert persons can be considered as a professional service; the professional service must have at its disposal adequate IT and other appropriate technical equipment and professional literature; the professional service shall be obliged to conclude a written contract with the hunter for each accepted professional job.
The professional service organizes, performs and supervises all professional hunting activities and activities regarding the breeding and protection of game and other animal species, game habitats, hunting and hunting facilities, hunting dogs, hunting weapons and ammunition, hunting of wildlife, hunting ethics, game damage, game counts and nutrition, game health and fitness, business documentation, analysis of hunting conditions or areas where hunting grounds are prohibited, as well as other professional activities in hunting sector where hunting grounds are prohibited, as in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations governing hunting, hunting management plans and hunting contract or concession issues.
The Annex is also part of this publication (Annex 1, 2 and 3; containing reporting forms and sheets, also game damage reporting forms).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation enters into force eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 108/2019
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o stru noj slu bi za provedbu lovnogospodarskih planova.