Decree No. 219 of 2004 (VII. 21.) Korm. of the Government on the protection of underground waters.
Type of law
Date of original text
The purpose of this Decree is the determination of tasks, rights and obligations related to groundwater, through the assurance and conservation of good conditions, the reduction and prevention of pollution, the sustainable management and the remediation of geological media. This Decree shall apply to groundwater, geological media and pollutants, and to the activities affecting their status. The Decree is composed of 11 chapters. Articles 4, 4A and 4B sets out environmental objectives to be achieved, assessment of chemical status and identification of deteriorating trends and the establishment of trend-reversal points. The fundamental objective is to meet the requirements of good quantitative and qualitative conditions. Articles 5-7 provide rules on how the objectives set out should be achieved. Chapter III (Articles 12-15) contains rules concerning the authorization of water abstraction and pollutants disposal or immission. Chapter IV regulates the notification and reporting of activities which are subject to approval. Chapter V lays down rules on inspection. Chapter VI concerns the National Environmental Remediation Programme. Chapter VII provides rules on remediation. Chapter VIII contains the definition of environmental damage and proceedings related to it. Chapter IX provides for the operation of the Environmental Registration System of Groundwater and Geological Media. Chapter X sets out sanctions (penalty for offenders).
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version as last amended by Decree No. 105/2019 (V. 8.).
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
219/2004. (VII. 21.) Korm. Rendelet a felsz n alatti vizek v delm r l
Amended by