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Decree No. 26 of 2014 (III. 25.) VM regarding the control of emissions of volatile organic compounds by certain activities.

Type of law

This Decree shall be applied to activities listed in Annex 1 if they use more organic solvents than the threshold values shown in Annex 2. In particular, Articles 4-5 lay down provisions regarding the determination of limit values for volatile organic compound emission and exoneration from those limit values. Articles 6-7 contain special rules on carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive toxic substances. Articles 8-9 provide rules on monitoring of off-gas emission of point sources of air pollution. Further articles regard controlling of fugitive and total emissions of VOCs and registers.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
On 1 July 2014.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
26/2014. (III. 25.) VM rendelet az egyes tev kenys gek ill kony szerves vegy let kibocs t s nak korl toz s r l